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“After years of yo-yo dieting, losing 30 pounds then gaining 60 when the ‘diet’ was over, I finally found Checkbox and Debra. I lost 40 lbs using her Checkbox method. But, that is NOT the important part of the story. I also lost my ‘dieting-to-lose-weight’ mentality. As much as other programs (weight watchers, etc.) talk about lifestyle changes, only Checkbox with Debra’s help really seemed to mean it. Wine at dinner, a slice of cake at a birthday, dinner out, no longer felt like, “I’ve been bad, I have to go back to my diet.” They were just how life goes. Then, and frankly, this is the most important part of the story, I maintained my new weight and lifestyle for 4 years and no longer have prediabetes. A few months ago my life became very stressful and I fell back into old, unhealthy patterns. I realized that I had done so and got back on the scale. I had gained 5 lbs. Now, in the scheme of things, that is not bad but in the past I would a) never have weighed myself b)slowly gained back all the weight and more. I did not do that. I reconnected with Debra to reexamine my eating patterns and design one that would help deal with the stress in healthier ways. When we hung up the phone, I felt better and more in control than I had in months and that’s just from talking! The bottom line here is Checkbox is a way of life, one that can be modified to fit circumstance and never feels punitive. This is a real first for me.” -Molly

“Your mindfulness mindsets/affirmations actually forced me to think and take the time-which in my opinion is the key to unlocking the over eater. Taking the time to sit in these thoughts and reflect. The process you’re trying to create is in fact that- a process- one that works deep and keeps peoples dignity intact. Its not a quick fix or a “plan” its in my opinion gentle, kind and effective. I think for people like me with lifelong negative relationships with food, its just right but will take time to build a new relationship with food. There is a huge element of psychology work intertwined.” – Sharon

“I went to the Doc yesterday for a blood test per her request to recheck since Dec. The results are all normal levels! No more pre-diabetes! Check Box wins again!!” -Michelle

“Before meeting you, I could eat a whole meal and still feel hungry! Now I eat slowly and mindfully using your guidelines. Also, I have never eaten this many vegetables before! And I’ve been sitting down to eat all my food. Also I lost another 3 pounds and my blood pressure is back to normal which is even more important.” -Melanie

“After being unable to break my anti-carb mindset/obsession of the last 15 years, Debra has taught me how to finally embrace carbs (the good ones- there are so many to choose from!). I also have had chronic constipation for the last 15 years. I used to spend all day, every day, feeling bloated and uncomfortable. Since adding whole carbs back into my diet, I am proud to say that I am constipation-free now for the last 2 months (ok, I’ll spell it out – I’ve pooped EVERY DAY!). I seriously have never felt better! Thank you for encouraging me to eat like a normal person and convincing me that carbs are not the devil!” -Sarah

“Two years later and I’m still going strong with your nutritional guidelines, and this has been one of the best changes I’ve made in my life. You’ve helped me achieve clarity with regard to what I eat and the food I buy. I truly understand how to think about food. I have more energy, better blood sugar, and just more of a feeling of control over my body.” – Susan

“I really have more of a sense of mindfulness and control now when I eat. I didn’t even realize I needed that but I did.” – Shira

“Debra, you are changing my life. Through changing the way I relate to food I am starting to change a lot of other poisonous habits that rule my life. It is not at all only about weight loss for me. It is learning how to look after myself and my family. Thank you, really, THANK YOU. I want losing weight to be a byproduct of living a healthy life, and I feel like that is exactly what you aim to to.” – Maxine

“Fasting sugar is down to 91! Down from 110 two months ago, I am very happy!” -Allie

“Problem this morning!! I put on a pair of size 12 linen trousers and they are far too big and look ridiculous. Yay, go me. Thank you for teaching me how to enjoy food again.” – Suzanne

“Getting coached by Debra has changed the way I think about eating and I am much more in control.” –Sharon

“Haven’t felt this determined and empowered in a LONG time” – Mali

“I really wanted to thank you. I’m proud of myself – of where I am now – and of the path I’m on. I really owe all of those changes to you so I just wanted to give you a proper thank you.” -Jennifer

“I really love the check box health plan. It works for me! I have been doing it for three months now and it is very interesting. I’ve learned a lot about myself, I love the process. I feel I got to this at the right time in my life!” -Rebecca

“Debra Waldoks is the best and comes highly recommended from everyone who has used her (including me). I’m back on her plan now that I’m postpartum and kept the weight off. People always ask me how I lost the weight and it really comes down to her and her plan.” -Lauren

“I so truly believe in your diet because it works and all the questions inside the worksheets helps you to think differently when it comes to food” -Shani

“[I] highly recommend Debra Waldoks, she is smart, skilled, experienced, sensitive, realistic, motivational!” -Allysa

“Thank you for being so dedicated and highly knowledgeable about nutrition and related fields, and for taking the time to address my personal needs” -Bracha

“still going really well, it’s so nice to finally be secure in the knowledge and have confidence in what food I should be eating and what’s good for me” – Lauren M.

“It’s going well and I’m really happy (which is good!) Definitely the happiest I’ve ever been, by far.”- Sharon

“Thank you for helping me to do this, I was so scared to start, and I am so relieved it is working. I think I am starting to feel like I could live with these changes and that is the most important bit.” -Allison

“I feel much better & I look much better & my cholesterol levels are normal again! I couldnt be happier that I started working with Debra, I feel like I can do this forever. It doesn’t feel restrictive like everything else I’ve tried before I found CheckBox.” -Rachel

“Debra, thank you for your guidance, I am forever grateful for what I learned from our coaching.” – Mindi